Saturday, January 22, 2011

Thursday nite,

im was so free. Plan to go Zouk been a long time din went in to Zouk.

Monday, January 17, 2011


went to Starbuck Pavilion again.Buy Fred PerrY at TANGS .for new year.

LOw Yatt PlaZa

Today went to eat SuSHi KinG . Then go lot 10 buy ang lily birthday present. it was a cloudy day .. peace

Thursday, January 13, 2011


Starbuck wif hikaru n jin ho. Pavilion. now my life style become like dis.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

CDJ out.

Now singapore DJ is using this piece. No more CDJ...its really cOOL. check this out.

drink wif brothers.

go to Dolphin pandan indah drink. meet brothers.

eat ICE

is Snowflake , cold weather eat ice freezing her body...giiigigiigggigigigigigi